Today l thought l'd add a couple of Christmassy ideas and images. Hopefully this will help put us in a festive frame of mind. lt seems to me that most people can relate to rushing around at the last minute, promising ourselves every December that next year we'll be prepared early, and be ready to kick back and relax at the end of November. (Sounds like a plan anyway).

Although l am not (by anyone's standards) a religious person, l have a fascination for religious icons. They certainly don't have to be Christian related (although l guess in our corner of the world these are more readily available). My particular favourites are Rosary beads and l have collected a number of them. Usually they go unnoticed hanging off the side of my dressing table, but maybe it's possible at this time of the year to put them in a small display somewhere, without looking like you're in contention for nun of the year.

Here l have my Jesus statue among the mix, he is wearing a lovely old necklace which is a bit rough and worn, which l think suits him perfectly. Buddha is wearing a necklace of plastic Buddha's. l have added some old mercury glass Christmas baubles in the cherubs bowl, and you may be able to see the sets of Rosary beads in the background.

This little tree is one my daughter made a few years ago, she did this by pulling apart all the broken (or not) pearl beads l owned and then grading them according to size. These were then threaded onto long thin wires. Patiently she then attached all the limbs (from largest to smallest starting at the base), together on a central stick and she then covered any bare pieces with white ribbon.
We bought the reindeer decorations because they were scaled the right size for the tree. Stars were also added and a piece of green beaded wire which just adds another colour.
Finally it was placed in a glass jar with some flat marbles to keep it steady. You could also put it in an opaque pot and plaster it in. Each year l just pull it out fully decorated and it looks just as pretty as when she first made it.

It's always a struggle to find the perfect present for friends and family, lt's much more preferrable if someone just says what they want, but usually when asked, they just say they don't need anything.
l was thinking if you knew someone was getting married you could do up a box of beautiful wedding related bits and bobs.
In this example l have placed a lace hanky and a bag of vintage bows (for the table decorations, gift bags, or placecards). There is also a length of vintage lace and a wine cork (with bridal couple on it). There is an old dress pattern which may be inspiration for the bridal dress/party. You could also add a blue garter, packets of confetti, or anything else you felt appropriate.
Below l have found some gorgeous pictures of Bergdorf Goodmans' Christmas windows. Bergdorf Goodman is a luxury department store/s on 5th Avenue in Manhattan New York.
There are actually two stores one across the road from the other. One is the main store and the other is a mens' store.

l believe these images are from the 2009 display. Spectacular aren't they.
Hope you've enjoyed this post.
Kind Regards,
Looking at all these lovely things definitely has me in the xmas spirit now! I love everything!