A couple of Saturday's ago l was heading out to the Mill to stock up my stall, it was late in the morning and l was in no hurry, just cruising along in my truck listening to my awesome (crap... says son and hubby) music, when l saw some balloons and a garage sale sign. Well what's the harm in stopping thinks me..... might as well have a peek....and can you believe what l found.......after YEARS of searching.... a pair of Florentine tables. The third one's missing.... but to even find two...Happy day my friends:-) Paid the princely sum of $25.00 for both...What good are they says hubby when they came home, but he was the first one to use one, to eat his fish and chips off in front of the telly, haha....
As you can see they're well shabby....but in the words of KC and the sunshine's.... that's the way a huh a huh....l like it... a huh a huh:-) Also found at the market was this 1930's satin boudoir bedspread, a bit of Hollywood style glam, already gone to be sold....it really IS so tough getting rid of all the pretties l find....but it's also good knowing someone else will get to enjoy them as well.
l've been digging out all those tapestries I've had stashed away for years and am turning them into cushions....customers seem to like them and it's great to see them re-invented.
l've also been out to my Sister's place......she has oodles of lilac bushes so she loaded me up with blooms on my way out and cut some shabby roses to go with them...... Well that warranted a wee photo shoot didn't it:-)
Did you notice the pink rooster and hen there on the right...... made from strands of plastic woven together, don't know why l love such kitschy stuff....but l was powerless to resist haha!!!
Just wanted to say thanks too for your lovely comments, l loved that you say it's ok to just post pretty pictures without writing too much.....and also for encouraging Mum through her chemotherapy. l passed on the messages to her and she was astounded (and pleased) that people so far away care what happens to her and says thanks so much, any way it must have helped because her pain is much less and she's feeling more positive about the future.
The new Romantic Country magazine arrived in the letter (bill) box today.....since it's my favourite magazine ever and with only four copies a year, it's a bit of a big deal when it get's here. l made a cup of green tea (yep, that's right ladies- livin' on the edge:-) and sat in the papasan in the garden room where the light's better (easier on the old lady eyes :-)and had a squiz through.....it mightn't sound like much, but all those pages of pretty made me core happy:-) A few days ago Mum celebrated her 77th birthday, she asked that we not make too much hooha (which we're inclined to do) so we all just went out for afternoon tea, (which was delish by the way:-)....She's been hugely brave in choosing to go back into chemotherapy and this week despite having to sit in hospital for the best part of three days she's holding up really well, so hopefully we'll be celebrating a few more Birthday's yet:-)
l know l'm late getting this post up..... the photos were taken about 2 weeks ago so l should have posted sooner, and l would have.....but it's such a struggle for me to figure out what to write about...and l don't want to just post pictures since to me a blog should have a bit of a story, (otherwise we'd just use pinterest or instagram) but blog stories don't just pop into my head....Geez if ONLY!!
On the other hand......having a chance to fluff and create some pretty pics is pure bliss and for the most part comes together without too much effort or forethought. All l really need to find is an inspiration piece or idea.... so often flowers work, though for these pics it was the vintage floral pillowcases that sparked the process.
This is a photo of Mum and me on her Birthday a few days ago.
Anyway it's so lovely of you to stop by my blog, thank you....have a lovely rest of your week.