Son was competing in the Geelong half marathon at the weekend. l managed to wrangle a ride so l could spend a couple of hours trawling the market, which is right near the start of the running course, more than 1200 people were competing so l guess lots of their supporters had the same idea as me, as the market was seriously crammed with people (dogs:)and stalls....despite the crowds l still "picked" a few awesome finds, my fave was this venetian style mirror with neon (flaky) pink border (only $10.00). l've found somewhere to put it, but haven't hung it yet.
l'm sure l've mentioned before how much l love Italian ceramics, so there was no chance of me leaving this flower basket behind:-))... vintage Morrocan style tea glasses only a dollar each.

Another thing l've been doing over the past few weeks is re-organising my wardrobe....Moving Summer clothes to the high shelves and bringing the Winter woolies down where l can reach them.
l've also been on the lookout for some warmer clothes at the markets which is where l find a lot of what l wear.... Often they can be found brand new at a fraction of the retail price.
Do you dress how you decorate....l often find myself buying things of a certain "style"... whether it's something to wear, or something for the house.... Pastels and florals, lace and ruffles, casual and sparkly...l think this becomes more apparent as we age and are more definite and confident about the things we like and don't....Our "unique" style seems to permeate many aspects of our life.
....and l know people bang on about age appropriateness in regards to clothes but l don't personally believe in such barriers....after all if you like something and you think it looks nice and it's something you're comfortable and confident wearing....l say GO for it.
My Mum who's in her 70's wears multi layers of lace, dresses, colours and patterns and whatever else she feels like....she's one of the funkiest dressers l know and always looks fabulous....
l love different textures together....(faux) fur and chiffon.
Some accessories l'm and marine inspired necklaces, earrings and vintage plastic, woolie socks and the armwarmers l've worn to death.
A few woolies l'll no doubt be wearing very soon....l'm not into wearing black at all, but if l do it's nice to lighten it up with a pretty coloured scarf.
Vintage style blue velvet dress from the market, l know l'll never wear it but it was tooo pretty to leave behind.
Marie Antoinette print on board (also from the Geelong market)....and what l think may be spools of ribbon seam binding.
l especially wanted to show you a pic of my funky Mum.....yep, that's us together:-))
Well there's another week almost over....l hope you have a sunny, fun filled weekend coming up...thanks so much for stopping by and for your much appreciated may notice my followers gadget is broken, l've been working on restoring it but no joy as yet...any ideas!!
Til next time,