Well clearly l'm not a psychic since my version of the dress was not like the real thing at all was it.......but she really did look stunning.

It's been a while since l shared any pics of my vintage finds.
Below are my faves for the past month or so.
l thought it was hilarious that as soon as l'd taken some of my enamel collection to the market to sell, pretty much the first thing that found me was this enamel casserole dish. The colour and the flowers, irresistible. Now...........where am l gonna put it.
Another wool work tapestry, this also came looking for me..... Just $5.00 at a car boot sale. l left it in it's frame for the pic.

This new and very fancy black frame was $8.00 at an op shop, It will make a great addition to a Birthday present for a friend of mine. (l'll tell her it's an oppy of course)
When l bought the Italian tray on the right l thought it was made of wood as it's quite heavy, but realised on closer inspection that it's only plastic......but still nice.
Today l've put together a little tribute to Australian fashion designer Alannah Hill. Alannah was born in Geeveston Tasmania (1963) and moved to Hobart when she was 15, she then ran away to join Ashtons Circus (can you believe that?) and moved to Melbourne where she was eventually offered a job for a Chapel St. (Melb) fashion outlet where she worked for the next 15 years, before she started her own "girly chic" fashion label.
l've long admired her designs and will pop into one of her Melbourne stores if ever l'm in her neck of the woods. My Mum, Sister and l went to Sydney last year and we visited one of her outlets there, it was amazing. l've never actually bought anything in her boutiques as her clothes are more for dressing up and going out and l rarely do that, but it's lovely to browse and dream.
Last year l was fortunate to find this Alannah Hill cardy for $8.00 in an oppy. Although modern and pretty l've never worn it, maybe it's cos it's black, a colour l rarely wear......don't know........maybe this Winter.

This is Alannah posing for Vogue Living in the bedroom of her previous home in Armadale, Melbourne.
The bag on the right.........Melbourne Central store.
This is the dining room in the same house, l love the floral wallpaper and Venetian style chandelier.
Lounge room, pink furniture and again .....the chandelier.
This is the bedroom of her Armadale house.
This is the dining room of her new home, the colours are so lovely.
Mirrored hall table- also in her new house. l found these photos on flickr, they were featured in the Age (Melbourne newspaper) magazine.

This is part of her shop in Brisbane and the pic on the right is one l took on my recent trip to Melbourne.
This pic is also her Brisbane shop
Gorgeous fashions, you can read and view lots more here. alannahhill
Well it's all been very girly hasn't it........hope you've enjoyed it, cos that's what it's all about. Have a wonderful weekend.