I'm not sure about your neck of the woods.... but here it's been SIZZLING all week...don't get me wrong Summer's awesome and l love it.... but we really NEEDED some rain and last night it HAPPENED....so the dust has settled and the day's cooled off a tad and maybe now l can wind that bloody hose up for a couple of days....yay!!
This week l've been working on a few projects....l finally got around to clearing out that dome l bought a couple of weeks ago, (thanks to TAM and SHEL for their great advice). l also did a little (fast) charcoal ballerina sketch for the moodboard update l'm working on.

The dome was taken apart very carefully....l was rapt to save the butterfly.....l soo didn't want to throw him out.
A few weeks ago l bought a top which may have been part of a suit...anyway it was really blahhh, totally shapeless with giant puffy sleeves....you know the sort, but the lace overlay certainly had potential. Cos it was a couple of sizes bigger l knew l had extra fabric to play with to make something else. Some cutting and sewing later l ended up with this vest....
Now l'm not really gonna wear THAT cross with it...l have one way BIGGER than that.. haha...
Also found at the oppy this week (it's NEVER to hot to opshop) a couple of pairs of gloves...these l think would be 50's...how cute are the little embroidered flowers.
and these white one's with stud buttons might be earlier..... p'raps 40's.

A few flowers.....you can never have too many. White cosmos and Just Joey rose.
Found at trash yesterday....wooden rose print just $4.00, nice.
But the pick of the week was picked by mum........last Sunday l had to work (again) but luckily she was on the job, and found me this foot high Jesus...she wouldn't tell me how much he cost but isn't he awesome.(Even if he does have a dodgy eye).
Apparently she told the guy selling it (and l quote)....If l leave that there my daughter will kill me!!! ...
How very CHRISTIAN she made me sound :-))) Bless her.
Here he is in all his glory, pictured in the background is my other Jesus.
Thanks so much for stopping by....have a fantastic week won't you,
Til next time,