Today l thought l'd share with you a recent DIY project that l did, (although" l" is a strong word, since l had a fair amount of help from hubby). The dressing table below was spotted in a Salvo's shop many months ago, and whenever l'd pop in l'd think why hasn't someone bought that and done something with it.
We were in need of a TV cabinet since the existing one wouldn't fit the telly we intended to buy. The price of a new cabinet was quite exy, but the worst part was even if you wanted to buy one the assistant would say "no you can't buy that off the floor, we'll have to order one in and it may take 6 weeks." Six weeks......WHAT the!!!
After MUCH debate, around the corner at the Salvo's l assure hubby that l can make it look OK, but just looking at his face l see he isn't convinced, however at $75.00 dollars,(which l manage to haggle to $50 by leaving the mirror) and the prospect of a new telly before Christmas, l sway him to my way of thinking. least l'M excited.

Above is the dressing table without the mirror and supports, l've also started sanding and taking all the handles off. The curved bottom edge gets a new shape with the router (see final pic) as it sits too close to the floor for my liking, both sides are also reshaped.

Here the cabinet has been completely sanded and base coated in a grip lock primer. This is the product used for basing tiles when you want to change the color. l've used this as the entire cabinet had a shiny, plasticy veneer which is resistant to usual paint. l've also started putting the colour on and l've used four in all, a base of creamy white, white and also black and ochre, l'm aiming for a beachy distressed finish.

This is the cabinet finished with the marvellous telly in place, you can see how much better it looks with the heavy lower edge cut away and legs defined. Most of the drawer edges have been sanded off. The handle plates were brushed lightly with the off white, and the handles were left their original colour. We are really happy with the final result, hope you like it too.

Just for a change of pace........ l love bird statues and have found a number over the years, but have only bought them in certain colors, l've passed up many that have been shades of brown or just dull looking.....these are the ones that have come home with me.
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