Last week l actually organised myself so l could spend an ENTIRE day CREATING, which is something l just DON'T do....usually l procrastinate any precious free hours away, telling myself oh l'll make that when l DO THIS....or l'll start (or finish) that LATER.... You know how it works, always putting things off for ANOTHER time, which hardly EVER comes..for me l think it's totally a GUILT thing, believing l should be doing absolutely everything else that "NEEDS" to be done before l let myself sit down and actually ENJOY myself....haha!!...l wonder if any of you guys feel like that.....anyhoo l hope you have fun checking out what l got up to on my free day:-)
Although l DIDN'T make this 60's lace cushion l couldn't resist bringing it home from the opshop especially since it cost a measly $3.00:-)
A few dressing table pretties bathed in sunlight.
My creative Mum overcame a rip in this bag by decoupaging over cute is it!!!
So this is the painting l started on the day and finished a few days later...Titled, Lulu in white string bikini. (Nothing like and not s'posed to be).... but a bit inspired by...Jorunn Mulen
l need a FEW more creative days so l can finish these blank-ish canvasses....okay make that a LOT......cos they're not the only ones...hehe!!
This is the tulle project finished...a letter B....
That's a lot of lace on that cushion.....all sewn on in a perfect circle...amazing!!
So you there you have it....wouldn't say l got loads done but it was such a fun day l'm definitely gonna try and make it happen MORE often....AFTER l hang the washing, pop to the supermarket....hehe!!
Til next time